At the car wash, yeah!

I love how J experiences new things and then gets totally immersed in that thing until he feels like he understands it (to his level of course!).

This is part of my role to help this complete immersion. I want to help him enjoy the things he loves and I want to help him get access to those things as much as is physically possible. Sometimes this takes a bit of creative thinking on my part and normally involves some sticky tape. 

Our new love is car washes. We took him in one over the Christmas holidays and now he is hooked. The good thing about them is they involve water, things spinning and if you go to certain car washes they even have dryers!!!! O the joy. 

So since our last trip, we have been able to imaginary play car washes in all sorts of places including parks and the soft play. 

But also we’ve had a few attempts at making them. 

I made one out of Lego, which I’m convinced launched me to the ranks of master builder. 

I then added felt wipers to his IKEA garage. 

I then bought some hair curlers from Primark and due to my lack of boxes, we made one from a mushroom box but that wasn’t accepted because the curlers didn’t spin. 

 So after sending my husband on a box hunt, I managed to make the ultimate car wash (I think anyway). 


 The rollers on the front can go up and down and can be put in a lock position. There are then spinning things in the middle (he wasn’t impressed with these because they slipped – so they went through a minor adjustment). Then there are the dryers at the end. 

This final car wash met all expectations – although there was mention as to why it didn’t have water in it. 

It’s amazing what you can put your mind to when your child inspires you.