
J is finally coming out of his handryers obsession. But as with the Hoover obsession and now handryers, we move swiftly onto something else. And we get completely submerged in it. This is one of the things I love about J is how he wants to completely (within the realms of a 2 year old) understand something and then once he knows all he can, he finds something new. 

Well now it’s robots (and slightly x-Ray’s – but they are similar I think). Everything becomes a robot and he’s watched Wall-e a million times. 

Now making a fully functioning robot is beyond me. I just don’t have the skills. We’ve done a bit of junk modelling to make robots and that was such great fun (for both of us). 

But last night I made a felt version of Wall-e and Eve (yes it’s Eve not Eva) which he can build and demolish to his hearts content. 

The good thing about these characters are they are very basic shapes to handle. J had great fun. Here’s his version….

I was so impressed at how he was able to put it together. I promise this was all him. 

It’s now sparked many more ideas and gifts for friends. I’m just trying to think of a way to package it so I can take it out and about. 

2 thoughts on “Wall-e

  1. Graham K... November 2, 2015 / 4:40 pm

    From one thing onto the next. Sounds like his Leicester granddad. Bless his cottons.


    • lydialings November 2, 2015 / 5:23 pm

      Yes I was thinking you were rather similar!!


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